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最后更新:2024-04-22 00:53      发布商家:广州市千里货架有限公司

产品/服务: 敦煌系列
品 牌: 敦煌系列
商 家: 广州市千里货架有限公司
型 号: 102
规 格: 600cm*800cm
单 价: 898.00元/套 询价
最小起订量: 1 套
供货总量: 999 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
 NOME 是个典型的渠道品牌,更准确说,是产品渠道一体化品牌。这类品牌的典型代表是大家熟悉的宜家、MUJI、NITORI。和 HAY、造作、InYard 等以产品为导向的品牌相比,渠道品牌有两个显著特点: 
Dunhuang series shelves, new Nomi shelves, Guangzhou NOME
 Guangzhou Eight Thousand Miles Shelf Co. , Ltd. is a fast-food store shelves, clothing store shelves, jewelry store shelves, clothing store props, store design, underwear store shelves, famous store shelves, brand shelves, supermarket shelves, Outlets store shelves, KM menswear Shelves, ZARA shelves, UR men's and women's shelves, HM store shelves, Dicannon shelves, unprinted shelves, Yueshi Fengling shelves, GXG shelves, PEACE BIRD shelves and other products specializing in production and processing companies, with a complete, scientific quality management system.
Wide The integrity, strength and product quality of eight thousand miles of the city of 8,000 miles of shelves Co. , Ltd. have been recognized by the industry.
 Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guide and business negotiations. NOME is a typical channel brand, more accurately, a product channel integration brand. Typical of these brands are the familiar IKEA, MUJI, NITORI.
Compared to product-oriented brands such as HAY, Manufacturing, InYard, 
Cards have two distinct features: First of all, products are sold only in their own channels, do not emphasize the individual personality and design sense of individual products, emphasizing the entire product cluster and store environment integration style. 
The consumer experience in the store is a holistic, scene-oriented lifestyle.
 Second, channel brand styles are often more popular, broader to the crowd, and supply chain integration is larger. Why, after menswear, choose the home industry to start a new business? Chen Hao believes that the home industry this track is long and wide, but lack of real influence, both quality and aesthetic brand.
"We went to Europe and found that there were a lot of home brands in Europe, Each market segment is very mature, the research fire fire to consumer demand is pure green. But in China, although Internet people are active and consumer demand is high, the industry and brand reaction is always slow. 
" Chen Hao also mentioned that IKEA is a hundred-year-old enterprise, proving that this matter needs a long accumulation, after the life cycle will be very long, in addition to making money, the team wants to be a long-term impact of the enterprise.
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